Living in the Age of AI : Creativity and Empathy to Design the Future

Table of contents

Chapter 1: The Age of AI Has Arrived
  1. The “future” is already here
  2. Still more to come
  3. Beating the world chess champion
  4. AI’s challenge to cooking
  5. Technology for solving social issues
  6. Imagine your home in 20 years
  7. When the smart home is available
  8. Three technologies for realizing a smart home
  9. City of the future? Ideal city? Smart City
  10. A new perspective for city planning
Chapter 2: What is AI?
  1. What is a computer?
  2. Computers that handle symbols
  3. A brief history of AI
  4. Imitating biological neural networks
  5. Deep learning becoming familiar
  6. How to make a machine smart
  7. Is there any problem with the way we learn?
  8. AI behaving like a human
  9. The challenge of Tokyo Robo-kun
  10. Twenty-five specially selected digital technologies
Chapter 3: Humans and AI
  1. Changing Japan, changing society
  2. How AI will change our work
  3. How AI will change our lives
  4. What only humans can do
  5. Let’s start by learning about the different worlds
  6. New relationship between technology and humans revealed by the pandemic
  7. What I see when I get sick
  8. Understanding how AI works and how to use it
  9. Past, present, and future of AI
  10. Clues to designing for the future, methods to be aware of empathy
Chapter 4: “Empathy” and AI
  1. Jobs that require empathy, and AI
  2. Connecting empathy through digital technology
  3. Discovery lies where empathy is born
  4. Toward AI for a society that cares
  5. The Ethics of Care
  6. Incorporating ethics of care into AI
  7. Changing role of AI engineers
  8. Creative empathic intelligence and collective intelligence
Chapter 5: What to Learn and How to Learn It
  1. What is a desirable future?
  2. How to make everyone feel happy
  3. At San Francisco School
  4. The OECD key competencies
  5. Learning from reading, watching, and listening
  6. Misconceptions about the competencies
  7. What do we learn and what should we learn
  8. Learning through making and project-based learning
  9. The atelier-like learning environments and online
  10. New aspects of intelligence focusing on empathy
  11. Empathic Design, a new design process
Chapter 6: Designing for a Better Future
  1. Backcasting and forecasting
  2. Smart ______
  3. Everything is interrelated
  4. Balancing biodiversity and food production
  5. Convenient society and inconvenient benefits
  6. Essence and digital
  7. Possibility of “home economics” as a subject
  8. Twenty questions for the future

Introduction  Chapter 1